We began the year in a joyous spirit of hope and a bright future ahead for the community St. Francis Center serves. Our joy was unfortunately short-lived as we quickly had to pivot our attention to the unprecedented threat our nation was about to face. By March, the COVID-19 pandemic had spread throughout the world and fully reached our communities.
Our priority was to provide uninterrupted services to an extremely fragile community. Any disruption would be devastating. We experienced families losing income and other non-profits closing their doors. We kept our doors opened and welcomed everyone with compassion and dignity.
Through it all, St. Francis Center staff ensured all CDC and public health guidelines were followed. Their focus was steady and unwavering as they faced the fears and new challenges the community faced, all while continuing to provide compassionate service.
We are hosting our 11th Annual Friends of St. Francis Center Event as a virtual livestream event YouTube on Saturday, October 24 at 6:00 p.m. We invite you to join us. Your generosity is vital for the center to continue the work in the city of angels.
To RSVP to our virtual livestream event go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/11th-annual-friends-of-st-francis-center-event-tickets-124179332727
Learn more about being a sponsor by calling 323.887.4837, extension 2 or emailing us at info@aras-inc.com.