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St. Francis Center’s tax ID is 95-7749271.
To St. Francis Center Unrestricted:
“I give { $_________ dollars, ____ percent of my estate, or description of asset } to St. Francis Center, a California nonprofit corporation, 1835 S. Hope St, Los Angeles, CA 90015 (Tax ID: 95-4479271), to use where the need is greatest.”
To St. Francis Center for a specific program, capital need, etc.:
“I give { $_________ dollars, ____ percent of my estate, or description of asset } to St. Francis Center, a California nonprofit corporation, 1835 S. Hope St, Los Angeles, CA 90015 (Tax ID: 95-4479271), to be used in support of _________ (specific program, capital need, etc.).”
To inquire about making a charitable bequest, please contact St. Francis Center’s Development Manager, Danielle Rayner, at 213.747.5347 x. 104 or at danielle@sfcla.org.
A charitable gift made through your will or trust may reduce estate taxes assessed at your death.
A charitable bequest is revocable so that you may make changes to the beneficiaries of your estate throughout your lifetime.
This type of gift can be directed to any program, capital need, or where the need is greatest at St. Francis Center.
When you include a charitable bequest in your estate plans, you have access to the assets during your lifetime, ensuring the funds are there if you need them to provide for unexpected occurrences.
Your generous gift allows you to leave a lasting impact on St. Francis Center’s comprehensive programs and community for years to come. Thank you for your support.